Tickets are now on sale for the 8th Annual Gun/Cash Bash to be held on July 27th, 2024.
Please contact 443.480.0675 or 410.708.7990
Tickets admit one at the door for Food, Beer, & Soda (Cash Bar)
Doors open at 11 am * Special Drawings Begin at 12:30 PM
Other Chances to win Guns, Raffles, and 50/50's on Day of Event
$50.00 Donation
(Must be 18 to Enter & Claim Prizes)
Need not be present to win, tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. All gun winners responsible for taxes on prizes, guns not claimed within 30 days will be withdrawn,
RHVFC & Mid Shore Chapter NWTF & its sponsors will not be responsible for any accidents. MUST PASS NICS Check
